bananas farm Orgafruits VN Co., Ltd

Fresh Fruits from Vietnam

Fresh fruit is an abundant agricultural product in Vietnam, along with many tropical fruits. We not only benefit in the domestic market but also export and receive acceptance and love from the international market. This is also the starting product of Orgafruits VN. We choose a different path from other Vietnamese agricultural product trading companies. From the early days, Orgafruits VN has established close relationships with farmers in quality growing areas. We select and buy products directly from farmers. Not only products, other suppliers such as processing, packaging, and transportation are also selected by Orgafruits to ensure product quality is always in the best condition when it reaches customers.

Inquiry now
Fresh Banana
Fresh Bananas
Fresh Young Green Coconut
Fresh Coconut
Seedless Lime
Seedless Lime
a pattern of fruits and vegetables

Tell us what interests you?

We love to hear from you.

Order consultation: Neil Nguyen


WhatsApp: +84 932 028 020 (Neil)